Posters Talks Software Publications



[7] Chion M. & Leroy A. (2023). A Bayesian Framework for Multivariate Differential Analysis accounting for Missing Data. arXiv:2307.08975.

Published articles

[6] Oyebolu F., Chion M., Wemelsfelder M., Trompeter S., Gleadall N., & Astle W. (2024). Optimization Of Extended Red Blood Cell Matching In Transfusion Dependent Sickle Cell Patients. Winter Simulation Conference 2024

[5] Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F. (2022). Accounting for multiple imputation-induced variability for differential analysis in mass spectrometry-based label-free quantitative proteomics. PLOS Computational Biology. 18(8): e1010420.

[4] Bons J., Husson G., Chion M., Bonnet M., Maumy‐Bertrand M., Delalande F., Cianférani S., Bertrand F., Picard B. & Carapito C. (2021). Combining label‐free and label‐based accurate quantifications with SWATH‐MS: comparison with SRM and PRM for the evaluation of bovine muscle type effects. Proteomics. 21:e2000214.

[3] Muller L., Fornecker L., Chion M., Van Dorsselaer A., Cianférani S., Rabilloud T. & Carapito C. (2018). Extended investigation of tube-gel sample preparation: a versatile and simple choice for high throughput quantitative proteomics. Scientific Reports. 8:8260.

Book chapter

[2] Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F. (2023). Towards a more accurate differential analysis of multiple imputed proteomics data with mi4limma. In: Burger, T. (eds) Statistical Analysis of Proteomic Data: Methods and Tools. Vol. 2426, Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, New York, NY.

Research report

[1] Quibel L., Helluy P., Chion M. & Ricka P. (2019). Mélanger des gaz raides pour créer de nouvelles lois d’état. hal-02114552.


ProteoBayes: Bayesian Statistical Tools for Quantitative Proteomics
Webpage | GitHub | R package | Web app

mi4p: Multiple Imputation for Proteomics
Webpage | GitHub | R package


Contributed oral communications

Oyebolu F., Chion M., Wemelsfelder M. et al.: Optimisation of extended antigen matching for transfusion dependent sickle cell patients. 34th Regional ISBT Congress – November 18-21, 2023 – Cape Town, South Africa.

Chion M. & Leroy A. ProteoBayes: a Bayesian framework for differential proteomics analysis. BSPR-EuPA Conference – July 17-20, 2023 – Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.

Chion M., Bons J., Bonnet M., Maumy-Bertrand M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Modèle de régression par spline monotone pour données de protéomique quantitative. 52e Journées de Statistique – June 7-11, 2021 – Online.

Chion M., Bons J., Bonnet M., Maumy-Bertrand M., Carapito, C. & Bertrand F.: Using monotone spline smoothing to combine label-free and label-based accurate quantifications with DIA-MS: application to bovine muscle samples. e-Chimiométrie 2021 – February 2-3, 2021 – Online.

Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Dealing with imputation-caused variance using moderated t-test. UseR! 2020 – Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Imputation multiple et prise en compte de l'incertitude pour les données de protéomique quantitative. 51e Journées de Statistique – June 3-7, 2019 – Nancy, France.

Invited talks



Chion M., Oyebolu F. & Astle W.: Bayesian modelling of alloimmunisation in red blood cell transfusions. International Society for Bayesian Analysis Annual Meeting – July 1-7, 2024 – Venice, Italy.

Trompeter S., Rodrigues Cavalcante A., Chion M. et al.: The pattern of red cell antibodies in a large population of people with sickle cell disease and thalassaemia. 65th American Society of Haematology Annual Meeting & Exposition – December 9-12,2023 – San Diego, CA, USA.

Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Dealing with imputation-caused variance in label-free quantitative proteomics data. May Institute on Computation and statistics for mass spectrometry and proteomics at Northeastern University – April 27 - May 8, 2020 – Boston, MA, USA.

Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Imputation multiple et prise en compte de l'incertitude pour les données de protéomique quantitative. Journées Statistique & Santé – October 10-11, 2019 – Paris, France.

Chion M., Muller L., Pythoud N., Bertrand F. & Carapito C.: Dealing with imputation-caused variance in label-free quantitative proteomics data. SMAP 2019 – September 16-19, 2019 – Strasbourg, France.

Chion M., Carapito C. & Bertrand F.: Imputation multiple et prise en compte de l'incertitude pour les données de protéomique quantitative. 1er Symposium du Groupement de Recherche MaDICS – June 26-28, 2019 – Rennes, France.