Generate a synthetic dataset tailored for ProteoBayes
Simulate a complete training dataset, which may be representative of various applications. Several flexible arguments allow adjustment of the number of peptides, of groups, and samples in each experiment. The values of several parameters controlling the data generation process can be modified.
nb_peptide = 5,
nb_group = 2,
nb_sample = 5,
multi_imp = FALSE,
nb_draw = 5,
range_peptide = c(0, 50),
diff_group = 3,
var_sample = 2,
var_draw = 1
- nb_peptide
An integer, indicating the number of peptides in the data.
- nb_group
An integer, indicating the number of groups/conditions.
- nb_sample
An integer, indicating the number of samples in the data for each peptide (i.e the repetitions of the same experiment).
- multi_imp
A boolean, indicating whether multiple imputations have been applied to obtain the dataset.
- nb_draw
A number, indicating the number of imputation procedures applied to obtain this dataset.
- range_peptide
A 2-sized vector, indicating the range of values from which to pick a mean value for each peptide.
- diff_group
A number, indicating the mean difference between consecutive groups
- var_sample
A number, indicating the noise variance for each new sample of a peptide.
- var_draw
A number, indicating the noise variance for each imputation draw.
## Generate a dataset with 5 peptides in each of the 2 groups, observed for
## 3 different samples
data = simu_db(nb_peptide = 5, nb_group = 2, nb_sample = 3)
## Generate a dataset with 3 peptides in each of the 3 groups, observed for
## 4 different samples, for which 5 imputation draws are available.
data = simu_db(nb_peptide = 3, nb_group = 3, nb_sample = 4, nb_draw = 5)